5 Healthy Dietary Suggestions

1. Create a plan: Instead of piling on new resolutions this year, consider building on the ones you are currently working on. Why? Because it takes much time, energy, mental resistance, focus, and willpower to make new changes, and we only have so much of each to spare

2. Establish goals: Your goals should be small, obtainable, and sustainable over a reasonable amount of time.

3. Get Active: Regular exercise is one of the best-kept secrets in preventative medicine. The key is to do enough and to do it often enough.

4. Stop checking the scales every day: Scales can be misleading and result in frustration. Remember: the number on the scale does not define your self-worth. Weigh yourself once a week and note how your clothes are fitting. Some people lose inches before pounds, or experience other non-scale victories such as sleeping better.

5. Attitude Matters: Having a positive outlook will help you get through everyday life, but it is vital to a healthy wellness journey. When you think negatively, negative things tend to happen. So, stay positive — you got this!It is natural to reflect on past commitments to health and wellness that came up a bit short. This year, increase your chances of lasting and sustainable success by making a plan and keeping it simple.

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